Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

Happy Easter!

This Easter was a good one! Camden is getting to an age where he is starting to actually participate in the holiday activities, although he still doesn't know quite what he's doing! This was Camden's second Easter! It's hard to believe that all of his "firsts" are over. Last year doesn't seam long ago, but when I look back at the pictures of Camden just weeks old, it amazes me how fast he grew!

On Friday Camden and I went to Grammy and Grandpa's to dye eggs. Camden didn't really feel like using the wire egg holder, instead he just dunked his little hands right in, grabbing the eggs from the vinegar dye. Once we were done, his hands were bright green. Even a sink bath didn't get him all the way clean! We were glad that we got to dye some eggs at Grammy's. Cody had a late study session at school so we were glad to have family close to share the memories with!

Saturday Cody took Camden over to Grandma and Grandpa Wayment's house to go on a neighborhood Easter egg hunt! I had to work so I had to miss out on all the fun. It wasn't an easy day of work. I hate missing out! Cody said that Cam had so much fun. He really didn't know what to do, but he loved shaking and kicking the eggs around. He quickly learned that there were yummy treats inside the eggs! Grandma got Cam a big Easter basket filled with Teddy Grahms, Goldfish, and Animal Crackers. Grandparents always know the key to babies hearts....TREATS!!

We woke up on Sunday morning and Camden got to look in his Easter Basket. Camden's favorite thing we bought the Easter Bunny brought was some bath crayons. I love seeing all of his little scribbles on the bath tub walls. I wonder if he'll like to color/doodle as much as I did. After playing with our new toys we went to church! For our church calling we teach the 12-13 year old's in Sunday School. I prepared a lesson about Christ's Resurrection and I am amazed at how often the kids actually teach me instead of me teach them! They definitely do not think like I did as a 12 year old, only worrying about the candy and the egg hunts on Easter. I was glad to have the little reminder of why we celebrate Easter! 

We spent Easter Sunday with Cody's family. We ate yummy food and hung out with the entire family. I even made deviled eggs...but I forgot to bring them. So they sat in my fridge and stunk it up. I always love spending time with Cody's family! Even though Cody and I have only been married a little over a year, I feel so close and comfortable with his family! I couldn't ask for better in laws. Cody's Grandma and Grandpa Howell are so fun! I spent some time talking to Grandpa about his time in the Air force and I loved hearing about all of the changes he's seen in his life time! History has always intrigued me and it's fun learning about it from an actual person instead of just a book or the internet! Ilene made Cody and I an Easter basket too! I love how, even though we are grown-ups, she still finds the time to make us baskets, stockings, and all the fun parts of the holidays! You're never too old for candy! :) She knows how much I love Cadbury Mini Eggs and gave me my very own pack in my Easter basket! In cases like this, it's nice to have a husband who doesn't like chocolate. No sharing for me! We hung out with the family for awhile after dinner, then we made a pit stop at my parents before making it home! Camden was spoiled some more by my parents for Easter. He got a sandbox with some sand toys! With some more treats!  Between us and the grandparents, Camden made out like a bandit. Lots of fun stuff for this little boy! We can't wait to play some baseball next year (McCollum's). We had such a fun Easter weekend! We are so glad we got to spend it with all of our family! Thank you for loving us as much as you do!

Love, The Wayment's

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