Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ready for Camden!

I'm skipping back to February! I was waiting for pictures from other people's cameras so I could put up pictures with the posts! (The more pictures the better, right?)

On February 18, my best friend/cousin Kayla threw me a baby shower! All my close friends were invited so it was lots of fun! (Even my best friend Krista came in from Vegas!) I think girls in their early 20's have fun shopping for cute little baby clothes! I swear half of Camden's closet is full from all my girls going all out!! (He'll look like a stud every single day, thanks to you guys!) We just gabbed and tried to catch up on what everyone is now doing with their lives! It's funny how much things can change! Everyone doing their own thing! It's exciting to see what everyone is up to. I'm lucky to say that I have accumulated a pretty great group of friends over the years! LOVE YOU GUYS:)

 Krista, Me, & Beekah
Kayla & Me

February 25 my dearest mother and our family friend April threw me ANOTHER shower! They did so great. April is the party planning queen! We went with a mustache theme and she went all out! It was so cute! I had quite the turn out too! I really really appreciate all that everyone has done to help me get ready for the little man! From all three showers we got pretty much everything we needed! I can't even describe how thankful I am for everyone helping us out SO much!

"I mustache you a question."

Cherry Limeade, Fruit Kabobs, Caesar Wraps, Chocolate Pretzels, Reeses Cupcakes 

 Party Favors!

 Me & Kayla and our preggo bellies! 
(Kayla's is practically non-existent compared to mine!!)

The Party Planners: 

Thanks Mom, April, Kayla, Ilene & Karen for throwing me baby showers!!! I don't know what I would have done without them! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! :)



  1. speaking of baby showers.. i still have your present! when can we come see Camden and give it to you before he grows out of it. lol

  2. You guys need to come soon! come anytime you want! seriously!
