Saturday, January 21, 2012


I fully intended on starting my blog as soon as I got married, since that's just what people do. I've been married for FIVE months now (Which seams so crazy! People weren't lying when they said time flies!) and I am just getting started! I will fill you in a little on what Cody and I have been up to as newly weds!

July 28, 2011 Cody PROPOSED! He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! We went up above my house to watch the sunset and take pictures after dinner at The Mandrin. It was SO sweet! He had a whole speech and he even planned it so the camera would take a picture right when he was asking! (We are bummed because it turned out blurry, and that's not something you can just re-take.) But still CUTE, right?

We were engaged for a total of 21 days!

We were married on August 18, 2011. It was PERFECT. My day was just like every little girl dreams their wedding day will be like. We had our ceremony and our reception at the Lomond View Gardens. It was beautiful! Cody looked so happy and handsome and I felt like a princess in my wedding dress! I even got my dad in a tie! (If you know my dad, you know that that's a big deal!) We are so grateful for all our friends and family who helped us make our day so perfect! Major props to my mom and my mother-in-law, without them my wedding day would have not come together as perfectly as it did!

We spent our honeymoon in St. George for the weekend! For a wedding gift Cody's Aunt Terri let us stay in her condo, which is AMAZING! Cody bought us tickets to the Tuacan Theater to see the show Grease! So much fun! We did a lot of relaxing and just hanging out watching movies! It was so nice to just get away for a couple of days to just be together!

On October 1st we moved into our apartment! We had been living with my cousin Kayla and her husband Logan but decided that we needed a place of our own! We needed a second bedroom for the baby!! I found the apartment on KSL and told Cody I would just go and look! We weren't really planning on moving out so quickly, but this place was so perfect and was within our price range I just couldn't pass it up! The landlord showing the apartment told us that she had people coming to look at the apartment every FIFTEEN minutes and that everyone was very interested (If she was lying, she fooled me!) so... I called Cody and I told him I found a place and that we HAVE to tell them we want it! He must have a lot of trust in me because he said OK! No questions asked! We moved in two weeks after we made the offer! We are loving our little home!

October 11-22 I went on vacation with my family to HAWAII!! Cody got left at home because he wasn't able to take that much time off of school and work! (He had the busiest school schedule, it was unbelievable). I had SO much fun! Other than missing my brand new husband I had a blast! Believe it or not my favorite part was snorkeling! Yes, that's right, someone as scared of fish as I am can actually enjoy snorkeling! I was surprised too! I loved hanging out on the beach, especially in the early mornings watching the sunrises! Kauai is such a beautiful place! 

When I got home from my vacation I was around 20 weeks pregnant! Do you know what that means?? We got to find out what we were having! October 27, 2011 we got to see our baby for the second time! This time looking more like an actually baby then just a blob! Cody says that as soon as the baby popped up on the screen he knew what it was! A BOY! Words couldn't describe how excited I was! It was such a special day! Cody and I both wanted to have a boy first, so we were SO happy! Not that we wouldn't be thrilled either way! But we sure are excited for our little MAN! On November 1st Cody got to feel him kick for the first time! It was adorable! He'd been waiting for awhile to feel him in there so when it finally happened he was stoked. (I never wrote down the day that I first felt him in there, mostly because I wasn't completely sure that's what the feeling was when he was moving.)

Halloween we spent with our friends Lauryn and Michael. They threw a costume party! Cody and I decided to go as nerds last minute! Our costumes weren't the best but they did the job! We had a great time! Lauryn is such the best party planner! (I’m not just saying that because she will probably read this, I really mean it) Halloween also means that Cody and I had been dating for a year! Our first date was to Nightmare on 13th the year before!

Christmas break was eventful! Cody survived his crazy insane semester. I am so impressed with his ability to stay focused and motivated! He is such a smarty pants! I am one proud wife! Tara and Zach (Cody's sister and her husband) flew in from South Dakota. We spent a night with them playing games and eating Indian food! I think during this Christmas break I played more games than I have my whole life! I'm not complaining though, I love board games! Getting Cody to stay focused during a game is a whole different story! The 23rd we spent with Cody's family decorating gingerbread houses! I think I took it more seriously then I should have by not letting Cody help! (Ha, ask my mom, I've been a brat since birth!) I just wanted my house to be perfect! I couldn't compete with Emma though. Her gingerbread house could have easily been showcased at The Festival of Trees. (I didn't ever even see it finished). Christmas Eve we spent with my family doing our usual family party! White Elephants are always one of my favorite things about Christmas. Seeing everyone laugh and smile about all the random gifts is so fun! There were 23 of us there this year (plus FIVE dogs)! It was so much fun! Maybe a little crazy! It was a pot luck this year. I spent hours slaving away on my Velveeta quesso dip! ;) Kayla made some very spectacular mashed potatoes, loaded with bacon! Anything with bacon makes Cody an instant fan! We ended the night at my parents’ house to open up our PJ's. Not going to lie, I felt a little weird not sleeping over and waking up Christmas morning at my parents’ house! Splitting holidays is definitely something that's going to take some getting used to! Christmas morning Cody and I woke up and exchanged stockings! We told each other we were just going to do stocking stuffers this year! I cheated and got him some new indoor soccer cleats; he cheated and got my some comfy slippers and a rotary cutter, mat, and ruler! (All designed by Grace Company of course). He did well! Apparently I did too! He needed new cleats so bad! By 9 a.m. we were with Cody's family! I was excited to try Kim's breakfast that Cody loves so much! It was a delicious as he described! I’m surprised Cody can taste anything but salsa though! We opened all of our presents (I felt like a kid again! We were spoiled), went to church, watched The Family Stone, then headed over to my parents for dinner! Opened more presents (I'm not lying when I say we were spoiled) and ate dinner! Grandma Fox's lasagna is divine! She never lets me down! My favorite Christmas moment was when my two year old cousin Trevor opened his gift from Bubba. It was two Hotwheels and he was STOKED! He started dancing around, waving his cars around and was so happy! It made me excited to be a mom! Kids do the cutest things! This Christmas was perfect! I loved all the time we got to spend with our families! We have the most AWESOME families! Thank you guys! We are so lucky!

New Years Eve we spent with some of Cody's friends! We played games and ate lots of yummy food! Being pregnant during the holidays is wonderful! I could use a tractor to shovel in the amounts of food I ate! We had a great night! Perfect way to start 2012!

January 2nd I received a wonderful call from my dear husband saying he was going to the Emergency Room because he fell snowboarding and thinks he dislocated his shoulder! I have a feeling this will be a pretty usual phone call being married to someone who loves snowboarding, soccer, and wakeboarding as much as Cody does! It ended up not being dislocated, but it still is pretty sore and torn out of place. The doc prescribed some medicine and gave him a sling to wear for a couple days and told him he could be back to snowboarding in a month! Who thinks Cody can last a month without snowboarding? Not me! He's going up tomorrow...

I hadn't really intended on this being such a novel! But at least now you are all caught up! This, for the most part, is what we've been up to! Hopefully I didn't put you all to sleep! My goal is to post often so I can write down all the details! Especially when little baby Wayment comes! I’m sure his stories will be much more entertaining anyway! ONLY 8 MORE WEEKS TO GO!


  1. kirst! i'm so glad you started a blog! and proud that it only took you 5 months. I'm being serious - i intended on starting one and 2 years later it still hasn't happened :) we need to get together soon, but I'm glad I could catch up on what you have been up to! love ya!

  2. Tam! Let's do get together soon! Please! But in the mean time you need to start blogging so I can be caught up on your life! :) LOVE YOU!

  3. you are cute kirstie!
    did this post take you forever?
    this is like perfect post material.
    love it.
    thanks for the shout out :)
    i'm an awful party planner.
    love you.

  4. You are too too cute! I love your blog! And I've officially lived next door to you for 2 weeks and have not seen your cute face...or cute baby belly!! Hopefully I'll see you soon!!
