Sunday, November 30, 2014

Eliza Kate (one month)

Eliza's first month has been great! She is a sleepy head and pretty much just sleeps all day long, which has been nice while I'm busy chasing around and entertaining a toddler. So let's hope her sleepiness extends past the newborn stage. Eliza, or as I like to call her Liza Lady, is so sweet. It's so amazing how you can have one baby and give every ounce of the love you have in you to them, and then a second one along and there is miraculously even more love to give. We love her so much and I am taking advantage of her snuggles more because I know how fast they grow and soon she wont be so willing to sit with me for hours just cuddling. 

Eliza has done amazing at adjusting to life outside of the belly! She eats every three hours on the dot. She won't let you forget (like every baby) but it's amazing how on the dot she is. (Maybe that's a sign that she will be very punctual.) She has been a great little nurser, and I am hoping that we can make it longer than we did with Camden (3 months) without having any issues! So far so good! 

Camden has done a great job with the adjustment as well. Having a little sister to brag about must be fun. He is always pointing to Eliza and telling everyone "That's my baby sister." Every morning he wakes up and asks where she is and likes to peek over the basinett to make sure she really is there! He loves her, and he even shares his blankies, so that's all the proof you need. Any time Eliza cries he makes sure that I know, which comes in handy when I am in the shower and can't hear her. He already is so protective over her and is always looking to help her when she is sad. I hope that never changes. 

I am loving having a little girl. All the dresses and bows and pinks and purples. She is so fun and I can barely go into a store without looking at the baby girl section for clothes. I may have a problem. I hope I can be her friend as well as her mother. I hope she always knows that I am here for her and that I love her more than anything in the world. She is forever my little princess and I am so glad she is all mine. She is beautiful. She is perfect. I just love her so incredibly much!

Can you over snuggle a baby?..because I think I just might.

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