Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2014 Recap

Well, 2014 has just flown by! It's August, so I will just have to do a RECAP of the entire year! Especially since we have something BIG coming at the beginning of November! We have been busy having fun all year long. Well at least Camden and I have been having fun, while Cody works harder than ever with school. But he makes a great effort to make sure we are creating some fun family memories in between school and work. (We are looking forward to graduation.)

I'll start with the big news first... We are excited to be adding a new member to our family!! We have sweet baby girl arriving November 1, 2014! We are thrilled and couldn't be more excited! I'm sure Camden doesn't know quite what's going on, but he gets excited talking about being a big brother and that Mom is growing a baby in her belly! I am 27 weeks along already. This pregnancy has been very easy. Only having some morning sickness right at the beginning and then really not feeling any different other than EXTREMELY tired. It's been different this time around just because I don't get the luxury of napping whenever I want and getting to sleep in as late as I need, because I am chasing a crazy two year old around all day. Luckily, Camden is still taking one nap a day, so I am able to nap when he naps. I'm nervous to have two babies mostly because I will never be able to sleep again, I'm sure of it! I guess it's worth it... ;) I've been able to feel Baby Girl's kicks and wiggles since 16 weeks! It's one of my favorite parts of being pregnant! It's funny that I wasn't able to recognize the kicks with Camden until around 19 weeks. I also feel like I expanded a whole lot earlier with this pregnancy than I did with Camden. I started showing a little pudge at around 12 weeks, which was a little discouraging considering I still have forever to go. We are glad that she is healthy and active and so far everything is looking exactly how it's suppose to! We are ready to be a family of four. We are anxiously awaiting her arrival!

Camden's 2 Birthday: Camden turned TWO on March 12, 2014. Boy, did his first two years FLY by. He's almost two and a half now, and I am still blown away that I have a toddler. My little baby is so big! For his birthday we threw him a small birthday party with a Choo Choo train theme. Camden's obsession with trains only grew from there, mostly because that is about all he got, trains, trains, and more trains. He was absolutley thrilled! He loves Thomas the Train (sadly, I don't.) so he was given just about every Thomas the Train character train you can think of to go along with the wooden train tracks that is his favorite! He was spoiled with so much for his birthday. He is a lucky boy.

At TWO years old Camden:
1. can count to 10
2. knows his colors
3. knows his shapes
4. knows his left and rights (for the most part, this one isn't 100% yet.)
5. talks in complete sentences and uses his manners to say "please" and "thank you"
6. has an amazing memory and can remember all the bribes and promises you make him. He also remembers people and their names very well.
7. Began the struggles of potty training in June. We are still working on that one...
8. loves Thomas the train anything.
9. favorite foods are spaghetti-o's, cheese, and mostly any kind of fruit, and FRUIT SNACKS!
10. loves his "blanky ball" (his blanket)
11. loves to play soccer, and skateboard.
 Only three days after Camden's birthday he got his very first (first) cousin! We were so excited to welcome Damon James Wilson to the family! He is perfect in every way and I can't wait for Camden to have a little dude to hang out with as he grows up!  Camden loves his little cousin so much and calls him "Baby Damon". Anytime he sees a baby he thinks it's Damon. I am just as thrilled, being an aunt is awesome!

Easter this year was spent with family doing the usual Easter things; egg hunts, dying eggs, eating candy. Since more of the McCollum clan has made it to Utah we get to celebrate with more family! This year Camden got to do his Easter Egg Hunt with my little cousin Thomas. Thomas was so sweet making sure  he left plenty of eggs for Camden considering he has a huge advantage being 8! Camden was only interested in the candy inside the eggs, so every time he found an egg he would stop to check out what was inside. It made the egg hunt a slow process! Camden also did the neighborhood Easter Egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Wayment's house. Camden is lucky to have both grandparents so close to celebrate all the holidays with. He got a Easter basket from Gma and Gpa Wayment, Mimi and Papa McCollum, Aunt Mollie and Uncle Jerry, Valerie, Kyle and Parker, and Mom and Dad. He was spoiled....
In April my best friend Bekah got married! She asked me to be a bridesmaid, which I was thrilled about! It was such a fun and beautiful wedding and I was so glad that I got to be apart of it! Her and Ryley are so great and I am happy that my best friend found someone who can make her as happy as Ryley does! They just had their little baby boy Owen on Sunday August 10. Perfect little family!
(Love you Beek, Congratulations!)
Forth of July weekend was spent at the cabin in Scofield this year. We went up with the whole fam and had a blast riding four wheelers, watching fireworks over the lake, watched the local parade (the cutest little dinky parade ever!), and played tons of games! Camden LOVED the cabin. He still talks about it now. He was brave enough to go on the four wheelers again (for some reason when we went up for Memorial Day the four wheelers scared him..). Cody took Camden on a hundred rides over the weekend and Camden even fell asleep one time. We were infested with moths which made all of us girls cringe. Every night when we had to turn on the lights we were attacked by 9,000 moths and the boys had to go on a 30 minute killing spree before we were able to get in our games. The Wayment's LOVE to play games. It's one of my favorite things about going to the cabin, lots of games. I could done without the moths..
Cody and I get to have some grown up time every once in awhile watching the ReAL games. For Christmas my parents bought Cody season tickets for his gift. It's been fun to get away a couple hours a few Saturdays a month! I am having so much fun learning the game and love how much fun we have together. It's a blast!
This summer has been PACKED with fun things. We got to go to the zoo with Kim and Ilene for Kim's work Zoo Day. Camden's favorite animal was the zebra (or so he said) I think he just enjoyed running around the entire place like a mad man. He really like the seals too. Grandma took him on the carassel and he was thrilled to ride the train around to see the animals! We went to Lagoon for my dad's work Lagoon Day. We loved it! Camden was tall enough to ride some of the kiddie rides and he was so brave to ride them all. Since I was pregnant, Cody, and my parents got to ride the rides with him. He even did some of the regular rides like the Tilt-a-wirl and the Ferris Wheel and I got to take him on the planes (which went a little fast for him, but he still liked it!) Lucky us to have dads with jobs that take us to fun places! We've also visited The Aquarium, The Treehouse Museum, The Dinosaur Museum. Mimi has taken Camden to the Hill Airforce 2014 airshow, to the Ogden Nature Center, and Bee's games. We've been hiking, swimming, going to the park and the splash pad, having play dates with friends, playing with family, and much, much more!
(Camden riding rides at Lagoon)
(Castle Park is our favorite, this has been our "go to" summer spot. We love shaved ice too!)
(We went to the Dinosaur museum with Aunt Tara, Damon, Kyle and Val, and Parker)
(Mimi took Thomas and Cam to the Ogden Nature Center)
(Cody took a half day at work and we went to the Living Planet Aquarium.)
(Bee's game with Mimi and Papa)
 (A day at the Zoo with Grandpa Ilene and Papa Kim)

Cody is still working towards graduation. He has two semesters left now! Over the summer he took a Finite Elements class that he said was one of the hardest classes he's ever taken and got an A- in it!!! He's not sure how he pulled that one off, but hey, we'll take it! Code is such a smarty pants and I couldn't be more proud of all the dedication that he puts into his education and career. He has been offered internships and research oppertunities and we are excited to see where he'll end up once he's officially graduated! At the end of February I began working at a new salon called Shear Envy. It's been a fun change from Great Clips, where I had been working the past three years! I'm enjoying working only a few days a week and am hoping to build a good clientele and start making some money! It's fun being able to work somewhere you love doing something you love! I feel like I am growing and becoming a better stylists! So that's what Cody and I have been up to!
(Cody's robot he built for a school project)

We've been having a fun year! Too busy having fun to blog, obviously. But here's a recap to catch you all up on a few of the things the Wayment's have been up to!

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