Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day/Camden 2 months

I hope all of you mama's out there had a

This was my first Mothers Day! (Which almost made me feel old!) It was such a great day! Cody somehow sneaked out of bed without me hearing him, made me breakfast in bed, wrote me a sweet love note, and got himself and Camden ready for church! (If you know Cody at all, you know that getting him ready for church is a chore!) For once we were actually on time to church! Being anywhere on time is like a present itself!

It's so special being a mommy! 
I am so lucky to get to spend everyday with this little Stink Bug! I am blessed to have the worlds best Mom and Mother-in-law to look to as examples! They are AMAZING ladies!
Camden has the best Grandmas ever!
On Saturday The Cam Man turned 2 months old!
So much has changed in the last month! It's amazing how fast babies change and learn! He is already so big! No more newborn clothes for this kid! It might just be because I'm his mommy, but I really think I have a smart baby!

He is still as wiggly as ever, always wanting to stand, bounce, and look around! Taking everything in!
He loves to swat at the hanging toys on his play mat.

His smiles are my favorite thing in the whole world! Nothing makes me happier then when I get lucky enough to catch a Camden smile! They are getting a lot more frequent! He loves when you make silly noises and faces, he's starting to do little giggles and baby noises too!
He is such a happy boy!

He is just about sleeping through the night!
Which is such a relief! He usually only wakes up once a night, which I can totally handle! He is still sleeping in his swing, but during the day I try putting him down in his crib so he will get used to it! I think he just likes the swing more because it cuddles up around him, we usually don't even have to turn the swinging motion on! He also loves car rides! He could be in the worst mood ever and pass out in about five minutes. We haven't gotten desperate enough to take him on a drive to get him to sleep, but it's good to know that if we need to it'll work!
This last month he has gotten so much stronger!
He can pretty much hold his head up all by himself and stand up with help from Mommy and Daddy (Sometimes it's the only way to calm him down.) He favors his right side, so whenever he is relaxed his head tilts over to his right, we have to go see a physical therapist to get that fixed! Which doesn't sound like much fun! But if left alone it can become a big problem!
He is even starting to sit in his Bumbo! Such a big boy!
We also learned that Camden doesn't do well whenever I eat anything dairy.
I started to notice every now and then small dots of blood in his stool. I was freaking out and took him to see the doctor and he said that sometimes this happens and to just try cutting dairy out of my diet for 2 weeks to see if that clears things up. Sure enough it did! So no more cereal, ice-cream, or cheese for me OR caffeine, unless I feel like staying up all night. :(
Camden is a very healthy and happy boy!

We go in tomorrow for our 2 month check-up.
Lots of shots for my poor little man. I am not excited.
Cody and I are loving being parents!
 Cody is seriously the sweetest dad ever! It's so cute watching him play and sing to Camden! He makes up the silliest songs! Usually making up his own words to the "Mr. Sand Man" song. Replacing Sand Man with Camden. It makes me laugh! I'm so lucky to have these cute boys! I love them so much! I love being a wife and a mother more than anything!

Life could not get more perfect!

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